miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

When the lord fought against the mills.

Yeah! In general I like the books and read. But in my chilhood I were hate to read, the books were borried and I were prefer to play football with my friends.
I don’t remember very well but one of my firsts books was “Papelucho historiador” by Marcela Paz and I remember “Ami, el niño de las estrellas” by… I don’t know. Then I read the twelve Papelucho s  books.
I enjoy to read novels! Now I am reading every Gabriel Garcia Marquez s  books. This writer is the creator of the magic realism and the most important book by Marquez is “cien años de soledad” In my opinion this book is marvelous and unbelievable because manage to summarize the Latin American s  History.
And my favourite book is “El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de La Mancha” by Cervantes because I read this book in one special moment of my life and the book meant most to me.

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